Hey guys! So.. this week was pretty bomb. Super bomb actually. Numbers wise, it was the best week of my mission. We taught 35 lessons and found 18 new investigators. Most days we didn't have time to take a full lunch! Freaking the only problem is that NO ONE WILL COME TO CHURCH!!! That is the current frustration... Beaverton is a blessed area, there are hispanic people all over the place, but thus far we've only had 1 person to come to church... anyways... story time... so my companion and I were talking about how much we hate cats.... and I don't remember how the subject came up... but we were talking about what we'd do if we were going to propose to a girl who had a cat... (edited/deleted for content...not exactly missionary focused...:) so... those are the spiritually uplifting things that my companion and I discuss.... other than that.. nothing is really new. I'm excited to go home but I really am gonna end on a high note, I've loved the last couple of months! also.... this pic is a pretty good representation of how our morning went this morning... we both woke up and weren't really... well... yeah. By 930 halfway through comp study mayer was sitting in his chair screaming "JORGENSEN!!!! I CAN'T DO THIS!!! WE NEED TO LEAVE!!! I NEED TO PDAY!!!!!" and of course I Had to make some smart comments such as "elder Mayer... I think we should take some extra hours of study today. Let's study until 12 and then nap for the rest of the day... :) I love you guys! talk to you soon!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015
May 10th update
Hey guys!
So there's really not much else to update you
on other than what happened yesterday... just a few conversations
between Elder Mayer and I that I thought would make you smile:) So the
other night, we had a late night, and didn't finish planning and whatnot
until about 11... And Mayer was SUPER tired,
he was struggling to make
it through the prayer... so me... being me.... I decided to say
something along the lines of "bro, I'm feeling an all nighter. let's
just stay up and talk"... to which he just looked at me like I was the
scum of the earth and very bluntly said "go to "somewhere that is hot and eternal' (edited for content...:).
yesterday, during lunch, we got kinda bored. Aunt Heather sent me a
slingshot for christmas... we live on the 3rd floor and there is a cat
that hangs out kind of at the bottom of the stairs, but aways a bit. So
we started shooting advils at it from our balcony.... we got kinda close
but no cigar. So we decided to move in closer for the kill, and took
some close range shots (we ended up hitting him and haven't seen it
chilling there since:).... and that just made us feel so happy that we
talked about how maybe we are gonna take the slingshot with us during
the day and just do driveby shootings... for example when we see random people. or when someone who we are trying to teach runs inside and
shuts the blinds to avoid talking to us:) And, of course, we wouldn't be
able to resist shooting the occasional cat:) we decided that some
nights we might go cat hunting... so anyways as we were driving around
last night I totally could have run over one cat and then we saw like 3
others... so we decided it was a sign to go cat hunting later in the
night:) and as Elder Mayer was saying a prayer before we went into a
lesson, he said, "please bless that we can....." and then paused for a
long time, so I said under my breath "go cat hunting.".... to which he
finished by saying, "Father, you know our plans, please help us make
them happen!".... we were laughing pretty hard after that!
Sunday, May 10, 2015
so, to start off with.... we had a couple of really cool
experiences this week... I already wrote Pres about them so I'm just
gonna copy and paste...
This week's miracle was pretty personal to me, a very big answer to
prayers. When I was with Elder Bair, we met a LOT of really cool people
who had already been through some rough patches in their lives (aka
drugs, youth going to prison, alcoholism... ect.) And, although it's
great that they have made it out of that phase of their lives, because
they've made it through that, they don't see the need to come to know
Christ anymore, He has already saved them and they are fine the way they
are, because what they are is a result of what Christ did for them so
they don't need to change anymore. So in my prayers lately I have been
asking God to be able to find and teach someone who is in the middle of a
crisis or hard time, and wants help out. This week we got a call from
on of our investigators, TLTL . He called the mission office a
couple of weeks ago asking for us to stop by, we ended up teaching him
outside of a taco time, but that was the last we heard from him because
we never knew where he lived. This week we got a call from him, he said
he would be home, he told us where he lived, and he asked us to stop by.
We did. During the middle of the lesson (the restoration), he told us
that he was struggling with an addiction to pornography, he has had it
for 5 years, and he wants to kick it. So in our second lesson with him
we taught him about the enabling power of the Atonement.
How God can
strengthen us to bear up our burdens and act and change our
circumstances. And as we were teaching him, I was watching the gears fit
into place in his mind as he applied and understood what was taught. He
has a baptismal date for May 30th, we've fasted and are praying that it goes through.
During sweet hour of prayer yesterday, some scriptures kind of clicked
into place in my mind. Elder Mayer and I had an experience this week
where we were stopped and talked to by a " another religious person" he asked us
some questions, and when we answered, asked us where our answers came
from, and when we told him the Bible and The Book of Mormon, he told us
"uhh... I'm not so sure about the Bible. I know it pretty well. You
could pretty much read to my from anywhere inside it and I'd be able to
tell you where you are reading... and I've never read anything about
that." As Elder Mayer and I were discussing it, scriptures from the
Bible came to our minds that referenced what we were talking about. So I
was bugged by how stubborn and prideful that guy was. I was just kind
of thinking about it during sweet hour of prayer, and I remembered all
of the times that the bible says something along the lines of "seek, and
ye shall find." The Book of Mormon teaches us that "God grants unto men
according to their desires, whether it be unto salvation or
destruction" (Alma 29:4) Which just reiterates that what we are looking
for, we will find. Hence is it is important that we are always trying to
do God's will, which we discern through prayer, and the scriptures we
are commanded to 'pray always, that we may come off conqueror.'... So
obviously that other religious person was missing key points of doctrine, because he wasn't
looking for them.
that miracle was super cool... I've been getting kind of frustrated
because we've found a lot of cool people but no one is sticking it
through. One of our baptismal dates fell through, the other one is being
postpned.... But TLTL is super cool so our fingers are crossed on that
else? As far as Eric goes... their family is still in Beaverton, Eric
might actually start coming to play morning sports with us. And we are
about to go frisbee golfing with him. Do you still have Jose's number?
that's for sure a family I want to spend time with when we come back for
I love you guys! Wes nice job vaulting bro, I'm still waiting on those pics!Enviado desde mi iPad
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